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Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses
  • Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses
  • Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses
  • Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses
  • Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses
  • Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses
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Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses

Seller Info

Array ( [goods_id] => 7662694 [shop_id] => 14089 [cate_id] => 0 [source_id] => 1 [num_iid] => 557349546795 [cid] => 121368013 [lang_change] => y [detail_url] => http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=557349546795 [pic_url] => //img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/54309019/O1CN01h5xR3c2GUkkCadx9U_!!0-item_pic.jpg [item_imgs] => Array ( [0] => //img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/54309019/O1CN01h5xR3c2GUkkCadx9U_!!0-item_pic.jpg [1] => //img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/54309019/O1CN01L6v4oI2GUkhhDah1M_!!0-item_pic.jpg [2] => //img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/54309019/TB2e46aXirEK1JjSZFHXXcveXXa_!!54309019.jpg [3] => //img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i2/54309019/TB2zSzXXnPEK1JjSZFAXXbZuXXa_!!54309019.jpg [4] => //img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i2/54309019/TB2sRjgXhDBK1JjSZFlXXcpCVXa_!!54309019.jpg ) [item_weight] => [item_size] => [num] => 9044 [price] => 2.128 [post_fee] => 0 [express_fee] => 0.00 [ems_fee] => 0.00 [has_discount] => y [freight_payer] => seller [created] => 2020-10-28 10:57:17 [modified] => [source] => taobao [title] => Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses [nick] => 蓝色悲悯 [rateimg] => /img/icon_taobao.gif [sid] => 34268955 [skus] => Array ( ) [prop_imgs] => Array ( ) [props] => Array ( ) [promo_name] => [promo_price] => 1.633 [promo_sku_price] => Array ( ) [promo_end_time] => 2100-01-01 01:01:01 [props_name] => Array ( ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => [props_name_val] => [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>






【特  点】:蕴含牛奶精华和蜂蜜,深层滋养嫩滑手部肌肤并持续补充水分,防止手部肌肤角质化,改善粗糙和多茧等各种手部肌肤问题。


【用  法】:清洁后拭干双手,取适量均匀涂抹,提留15-20分钟(晾干后)后轻轻揭开。建议每周使用1-2次。


【成  分】:甘油、蜂蜡、丁二醇、水、蜂蜜提取物、黄原胶、苯氧乙醇、香精、羟苯甲酯、牛奶提取物。





- -_- -

[sku_label] => Array ( ) )
USD 1.633
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Inventory Quantity 9044
Weight Estimation
316 (g)

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Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses Lycome Milk Honey Nourishing Hand Wax 120g Moisturizing and Moisturizing Hand Mask Exfoliating and Exfoliating Calluses