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Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211
  • Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211
  • Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211
  • Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211
  • Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211
  • Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211
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Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211

Seller Info

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商品信息 / Commodity infomation


品      牌:
款      式: 平角裤
腰      型: 中腰
面      料: 47%粘纤,23%锦纶,18%牛奶蛋白改性聚丙烯腈纤维,12%氨纶
里 裆: 100%棉
面料图案: 圆点
模特展示 / Models Show
面料展示 / Fabric Show
柔软 舒适
颜色展示 / Color Show
粉色 3C0 正面
粉色 3C0 背面
米白色 100 正面
绿色 0XB 正面
细节展示 / Detail Show

提花牛奶 轻薄舒适
………标牌洗唛 / Washing mark………
号 型 100/47 110/50 120/53 130/56 140/55 150/58 160/61 170/64
身 高(CM) 95-105 105-115 115-125 125-135 135-145 145-155 155-165 165-175
腰 围(CM) 45-51 47-53 49-55 51-57 53-59 56-62 58-66 60-68
臀 围(CM) 55-61 58-66 62-70 66-74 70-78 76-84 82-90 88-96
[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 28320 ) [122216343] => Array ( [0] => 26774 ) ) )
USD 5.115
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color Classification
Reference Height
Inventory Quantity 76
Weight Estimation
126 (g)

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Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211 Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211 Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211 Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211 Aimer Children's Underwear Girls Girls Underwear Women's Honey Dot Mid-waist Boxer Underpants AJ123211