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Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories
  • Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories
  • Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories
  • Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories
  • Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories
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Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories

Seller Info

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mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories [nick] => gyx405888 [rateimg] => /img/icon_tmall.gif [sid] => 33771452 [skus] => Array ( [3829430094647] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3829430094647 [price] => 4.455 [properties] => 1627207:4109031109 [quantity] => 182 [org_price] => 4.455 ) [4102751444959] => Array ( [sku_id] => 4102751444959 [price] => 4.455 [properties] => 1627207:4109031110 [quantity] => 64 [org_price] => 4.455 ) [3829430094645] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3829430094645 [price] => 4.455 [properties] => 1627207:4109031111 [quantity] => 83 [org_price] => 4.455 ) [3829430094634] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3829430094634 [price] => 4.455 [properties] => 1627207:4109031112 [quantity] => 305 [org_price] => 4.455 ) [3829430094637] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3829430094637 [price] => 4.455 [properties] => 1627207:4109031113 [quantity] => 45 [org_price] => 4.455 ) [3829430094638] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3829430094638 [price] => 4.455 [properties] => 1627207:4109031114 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[3829430094639] => 25 [4102751444960] => 25 [4102751444961] => 25 [3829430094632] => 25 [3829430094628] => 28 [3829430094640] => 28 [3829430094646] => 28 [3829430094648] => 28 [3801361832083] => 3 [4163140206174] => 5 [4163140206175] => 8 ) [promo_end_time] => 2100-01-01 01:01:01 [props_name] => Array ( [1627207] => Color Classification [4109031109] => 12 inch neck long message () CM red [4109031110] => 12 inch neck long message () CM blue [4109031111] => 14 inch neck long message () CM red [4109031112] => 14 inch neck long message () CM blue [4109031113] => 16 inch neck long message () CM red [4109031114] => 16 inch neck long message () CM blue [4109031115] => 18 inch neck long message () CM red [4109031116] => 18 inch neck long message () CM blue [1179739942] => 20 inch neck length message () CM silver [1179739941] => 20 inch neck long message () CM black [1179739946] => 22 inch neck long message () CM silver [1179739952] => 22 inch neck long message () CM black [1179739950] => 24*1.75 neck long message () CM silver [1179739954] => 24*1.75 neck long message () CM black [1179739943] => 24*1 3/8 neck long message () CM silver [1179739955] => 24*1 3/8 neck long message () CM black [4109031125] => 26*1.75 neck long message () CM red [4109031126] => 26*1.75 neck long message () CM blue [4109031127] => 26*1 3/8 neck long message () CM red [4109031128] => 26*1 3/8 neck long message () CM blue [2479468618] => Seven pieces of steel bowl [8146081263] => Neck length 20-29 long + 5 yuan [8146081264] => Neck length 30-40 length + 8 yuan ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => [props_name_val] => Color Classification|12 inch neck long message () CM red|12 inch neck long message () CM blue|14 inch neck long message () CM red|14 inch neck long message () CM blue|16 inch neck long message () CM red|16 inch neck long message () CM blue|18 inch neck long message () CM red|18 inch neck long message () CM blue|20 inch neck length message () CM silver|20 inch neck long message () CM black|22 inch neck long message () CM silver|22 inch neck long message () CM black|24*1.75 neck long message () CM silver|24*1.75 neck long message () CM black|24*1 3/8 neck long message () CM silver|24*1 3/8 neck long message () CM black|26*1.75 neck long message () CM red|26*1.75 neck long message () CM blue|26*1 3/8 neck long message () CM red|26*1 3/8 neck long message () CM blue|Seven pieces of steel bowl|Neck length 20-29 long + 5 yuan|Neck length 30-40 length + 8 yuan [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>



外胎型号: 寸,

颈      长: 厘米,

螺纹直径: 毫米,(必须是25.4毫米,28.6的请不要拍)

前轮开档: 毫米。(默认90毫米)

刹车类型: 。(必须是钳刹,V刹和碟刹不要买)



1,型号:12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26寸,选时具体看外胎型号





6,刹车:普通钳刹,、  V刹,碟刹不能做。










[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 4109031109 [1] => 4109031110 [2] => 4109031111 [3] => 4109031112 [4] => 4109031113 [5] => 4109031114 [6] => 4109031115 [7] => 4109031116 [8] => 1179739942 [9] => 1179739941 [10] => 1179739946 [11] => 1179739952 [12] => 1179739950 [13] => 1179739954 [14] => 1179739943 [15] => 1179739955 [16] => 4109031125 [17] => 4109031126 [18] => 4109031127 [19] => 4109031128 [20] => 2479468618 [21] => 8146081263 [22] => 8146081264 ) ) )
USD 0.495
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color Classification
Inventory Quantity 2609

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Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories Neck length can be customized ordinary bicycle folding child ladies mountain three-wheeled bicycle front fork steel hard fork accessories