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Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange
  • Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange
  • Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange
  • Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange
  • Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange
  • Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange
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Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange

Seller Info

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官方标配:8成新Canon/佳能85mm f/1.8L USM 镜片微划痕 不影响成像 功能正常 800元

套餐一:9成新Canon/佳能85mm f/1.8L USM 镜片完好通透 无菌无霉 无拆修 1200元

套餐二:93成新Canon/佳能85mm f/1.8L USM 镜片完好通透 无菌无霉 无拆修 1400元

套餐三:98成新Canon/佳能85mm f/1.8L USM 镜片完好通透 无菌无霉 无拆修 1600元


[sku_label] => Array ( [29029] => Array ( [0] => 101489 ) [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 28341 ) [5919063] => Array ( [0] => 6536025 [1] => 3266779 [2] => 3266781 [3] => 3266785 ) ) )
USD 131.996
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Lens mount
Color Classification
Package Type
Inventory Quantity 352
Weight Estimation
801 (g)

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Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange Second-hand Canon 85mm F1.8 USM fixed focus large aperture portrait lens supports exchange rental recycling interchange