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Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings
  • Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings
  • Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings
  • Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings
  • Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings
  • Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings
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Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings

Seller Info

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[1627207] => Color classification [2895689478] => Black Noble 50 Pack of 50g Organic Fertilizer [2202544978] => Black noble 5g original about 1000 tablets [12069731575] => Osaka black dragon eggplant 10g original about 2000 high-yield disease-resistant black eggplant [255003122] => Dalong eggplant 1000 original old varieties with high yield and disease resistance [10282362078] => Yuqi No.5 8g original open-air special late ripening and high yield [10282206596] => Spring and Autumn Long Eggplant 8g Original Premature Good [10282337111] => Yu Zihong Zaokai No. 1 8g original [1646918832] => Pioneer long eggplant 10g original heat and humidity resistance [8633320840] => Dalong Long Eggplant Seedlings 6 Y-roasted Eggplant Is Very Good [8633320841] => Dalong long eggplant seedlings 12 Y [8633320842] => Dalong long eggplant seedlings 18 Y [8633320843] => Round eggplant seedlings 6 Y (traditional old varieties) with strong fragrance [8633320844] => Round eggplant seedlings 12 Y (traditional old varieties) [8633320845] => Round eggplant seedlings 18 Y (traditional old varieties) [8251089936] => Hangzhou eggplant seedlings 6 Y-long eggplant [8399902889] => Hangzhou eggplant seedlings 12 Y soft, tender and delicious [8423817745] => 18 Y seedlings of Hangzhou eggplant [3191127308] => Natural nutrient soil 2.50kg does not contain seeds. [3155561051] => 5 transparent nursery plates (40 holes in each plate) [7724297704] => Bio-organic fertilizer 2.50kg (fermentation does not burn roots) 20 eggplants are used for one year ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => [props_name_val] => Color classification|Black Noble 50 Pack of 50g Organic Fertilizer|Black noble 5g original about 1000 tablets|Osaka black dragon eggplant 10g original about 2000 high-yield disease-resistant black eggplant|Dalong eggplant 1000 original old varieties with high yield and disease resistance|Yuqi No.5 8g original open-air special late ripening and high yield|Spring and Autumn Long Eggplant 8g Original Premature Good|Yu Zihong Zaokai No. 1 8g original|Pioneer long eggplant 10g original heat and humidity resistance|Dalong Long Eggplant Seedlings 6 Y-roasted Eggplant Is Very Good|Dalong long eggplant seedlings 12 Y|Dalong long eggplant seedlings 18 Y|Round eggplant seedlings 6 Y (traditional old varieties) with strong fragrance|Round eggplant seedlings 12 Y (traditional old varieties)|Round eggplant seedlings 18 Y (traditional old varieties)|Hangzhou eggplant seedlings 6 Y-long eggplant|Hangzhou eggplant seedlings 12 Y soft, tender and delicious|18 Y seedlings of Hangzhou eggplant|Natural nutrient soil 2.50kg does not contain seeds.|5 transparent nursery plates (40 holes in each plate)|Bio-organic fertilizer 2.50kg (fermentation does not burn roots) 20 eggplants are used for one year [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>






东方正大种子有限公司  原装进口 精品种子




[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 2895689478 [1] => 2202544978 [2] => 12069731575 [3] => 255003122 [4] => 10282362078 [5] => 10282206596 [6] => 10282337111 [7] => 1646918832 [8] => 8633320840 [9] => 8633320841 [10] => 8633320842 [11] => 8633320843 [12] => 8633320844 [13] => 8633320845 [14] => 8251089936 [15] => 8399902889 [16] => 8423817745 [17] => 3191127308 [18] => 3155561051 [19] => 7724297704 ) ) )
USD 0.825
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color classification
Inventory Quantity 177637
Weight Estimation
30 (g)

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Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings Shouguang vegetable seeds black noble long eggplant vegetable seeds spring autumn and winter four seasons seed eggplant seedlings