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Vibrating fox tail anal plug dog tail female passion tool back court pull bead anal sex toys to expand chrysanthemum
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  • Vibrating fox tail anal plug dog tail female passion tool back court pull bead anal sex toys to expand chrysanthemum
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  • Vibrating fox tail anal plug dog tail female passion tool back court pull bead anal sex toys to expand chrysanthemum
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Vibrating fox tail anal plug dog tail female passion tool back court pull bead anal sex toys to expand chrysanthemum

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温馨提示:当亲收到产品,不要急着立马使用哦。由于本品尾巴是来自动物毛发取材人工制作加工合成,首次拿到手会有轻微掉毛问题,使用前轻轻将尾巴捋一捋,把容易脱落的毛发捋掉,后面基本就不会有掉毛的现象啦就算有也很少。软胶肛塞模具上有个注料口所以肛塞边缘处有个小疙瘩,稍有点影响美观但不影响使用不属于品质问题哦,介意的亲们请慎拍。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……




[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 1430779627 [1] => 1430779630 [2] => 1430779626 ) ) )
USD 2.623
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color classification
Inventory Quantity 14549
Weight Estimation
202 (g)

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